Friday, December 11, 2009

Redemption Day'

1 Peter 5:7

6) Post to your blog
7) Read the Christmas story in Luke 1-2
8) Post a 3 point "Get Your Preach On" from this passage to your blog!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

1 Peter

1 Peter:
Who wrote it?
~Peter, an apostle of Jesus
When was it written?
~Circa 62-64 AD
What is the setting?
~Peter was in Rome while Nero was persecuting Christians.
Who was it written to?
~Jewish Christians suffering percustion.
What does 1 Peter 3:9 say? (Write out scripture)
~You love hime evern though you have never seen him.

2 Peter:
Who wrote it?
~Peter, because he knows he is about to die.
When was it written?
~Circa 67 AD
Who was it written to?
~To belivers throughout the Roman emipire
What is 2 Peter about (2 things)?
1.Warning about false Christians.
2.Exhorting Christians to grow in faith.
What does 2 Peter 1:3 say? (Write out scripture)
His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

Friday, November 20, 2009

James Book Assignment

James 3 is all about tamming the tounge. And if you are a teacher you should make sure you are called to be a teacher. Because the Lord will judge you strictly. You shouldnt teacher false prophicies. You are suppose to be teaching the right things to do. You should be fake. You could be leading people to hell and not know it. So you should be certian if you are called to be a teacher.

You shouldnt be bitter.

James 3


James 3 starts out talking about being a teacher. Everyone isn't made for that. I love how he states that no one is perfect. That encourages me whenever I am doing something and it doesn't turn out exactly how I planned I just have to remind myself that nothing is perfect and that everyone makes mistakes. It also talks about being humble. Being humble is not always easy so that is something that I definitely need to work on.

Controlling my mouth is extremely hard for me. It is something that I have to work on constantly, all day, everyday. I believe that somethings are just left unsaid. Like if someone's jeans are ugly, don't tell them that they are cute when you really think that they are ugly. Like just don't say anything. In the bible it also says that if you think something it is the same as commiting the sin. I have to work on that too because if I think it I am going to say it, thats just how I am. It is a HARD task to control your tongue but it is something that we all need to do.

We should learn from the wise. My nanny is 98 and she is the best at giving advise

Hebrews 12 assignment

Hebrews 12 is saying that you should be greatful and thankful that we have a God that we do. Because he is our protector. And he helps us through everthing trial and struggle. And he is saying how we should stay hummble. And stay Christians no matter what we go through.

This bible chapter is also saying how you should not not refuse God. Becasuse he is our savior. And that you should not walk around bitter. And all sad. Because God does alot for you.
You should also be kind to your brother. Because he is also a work of God. And in te long run He will make you stronger. You should be rude or anything of that nature. You should stay stong and humble in Gods word.

14Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. This to me means that you should make an efort to be a Christian. And not just blow things off that you think you can get away with. You should just wake up and walk around. You need to give God the praise for somethings. You can always think everything is going to go your way. You have to make peace with your neighboor. And not treat them like trash.

Hebrews 12

Hebrews 12 is about us just setting our eyes on Jesus. I believe that Jesus wants us to seperate ourselves from the people who aren't helping us in our christian lives. I think that we should want to do that anyway because we want to gt closer to God. We should praise God with everything that we do and say. We should just be running the race and have our eyes set on the prize at the end.

When God says: My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you.
That is an important verse and something to remember throughout life. We should always stay true and never lose our faith because of correction. I think that correction and discipline is extremely vital to life. Without discipline we would all be crazy people. God blesses us by correcting us and then forgiving us for our sin, he could just forget about us. So we are extremely blessed.

Hebrews 12:14 is telling us to stay pure and make sure that everyone around us is pure. Make everything peaceful or try to atleast. We need to stay out of petty fights. No need to gossip because we need to try and mend fences not be mean to people.
This verse stands out to me the most:
28Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, 29for our "God is a consuming fire." I feel that this is encouragement and it helps me sometimes whenever I feel like giving up. Like it said just keep your eye on the prize.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Titus 3

Rachael: You should be obident to authoirties. And listen to what they say. Because the Lord put them in that postion for a reason.

Crystal: The verse to me was basically telling me to be humble, so that God can work through the people he has put in front of me to help me. I need to be respectfull and to always remember that my way is not always the best way.