Wednesday, August 26, 2009

1.Tell me about your pastor.

I have two pastors, and one of them is pastor Joel. Pator Joel is the best because he can relate to the younger crowd. He is an awesome role model, and he is always there for everyone. He is great for prayers and I love him.

2. Why is he impotant to you?

He is important because he teaches me in the right way.
He shows that he cares and he is really sweet.

Rachael's Pastor

1.Tell me about your pastor.
My pastor is great! He always knows what to say! He is such a great man of God. I can tell he is really on fire for the Lord! He is also a really sweer person! And easily understand teenagers.
2.Why is he important to you?
He always can tell if i am down. And knows just what to say to me! He is a great pastor!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Honoring Bobby Jindal

1.When did Bobby Jindal become LA governor?
October 20, 2007
2.Who is his wife? His children?
Supriya Jindal, their children are ages 7, 5 and 2
3.Tell me about his wife, Supriya.
Supriya Jindal became First Lady of Louisiana when her husband, then Congressman Bobby Jindal was sworn in as Governor of Louisiana on January 14, 2008. Mrs. Jindal currently serves as the youngest first lady in the nation and is the only First Spouse in the country that holds a degree in engineering. She also enjoys teaching and helping her kids. She is also a graduate from Baton Rouge Magnet High School.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Honoring Mayor Kip Holden

1. When did Kip Holden become BR mayor?
Jan. 1,2005
2.What is his goal as mayor?
To build an administration that will be a green light for solutions to traffic, safe neighborhoods, a quality education system and open government.
3.Where did our mayor go to college?
B.A. in Journalism from LSU, a Masters degree in Journalism from Southern University, a Juris Doctorate from Southern University School of Law and an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Public Policy from Southern University. He was also invited to study at the Oxford University Round Table in England.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Assignment One.

1. Crystal: To honor a teacher means to basically do what they say and respect them, and not complain about anything.
Rachael: I think that to honor a teacher means to know that they always do things with your best interest in mind and to respect them.

2.Rachael: We can honor our teachers by never questioning them and always showing them respect.
Crystal: I think we can show them honor by always thanking them for what they do for us.

3. Crystal: I loved when Mrs. Brown was my teacher because she always made me laugh and she would always show how much she cared for us.
Rachael: In coach Castillo's p.e. class because he taught me how to play basketball better. And to push yourself, no matter how far behine you are. And being tired is only a state mind!

4. Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.
Exodus 20:12

>Blogs we commented<
Bailey and Taylor
Lacey and Rachel
Danielle and Kelly
Mikki and Lauren
Jasmine and Kim

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Our first Blog!! :)

Crystal and Rachael's first blog! :) We are so excited to start. Yay!
We love Ms. Melancon's bible class already. :)