Friday, November 20, 2009

James 3


James 3 starts out talking about being a teacher. Everyone isn't made for that. I love how he states that no one is perfect. That encourages me whenever I am doing something and it doesn't turn out exactly how I planned I just have to remind myself that nothing is perfect and that everyone makes mistakes. It also talks about being humble. Being humble is not always easy so that is something that I definitely need to work on.

Controlling my mouth is extremely hard for me. It is something that I have to work on constantly, all day, everyday. I believe that somethings are just left unsaid. Like if someone's jeans are ugly, don't tell them that they are cute when you really think that they are ugly. Like just don't say anything. In the bible it also says that if you think something it is the same as commiting the sin. I have to work on that too because if I think it I am going to say it, thats just how I am. It is a HARD task to control your tongue but it is something that we all need to do.

We should learn from the wise. My nanny is 98 and she is the best at giving advise

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